Post by Foxy1 on Jan 27, 2009 16:05:23 GMT
CHEATING parking wardens have been caught on video in a corrupt scam—brazenly dishing out false tickets to INNOCENT motorists then shamelessly FAKING photos as back-up “proof”. Our investigators filmed them last week ticketing a LEGALLY parked motor and FABRICATING the “evidence”. You can see our footage by scrolling to the video player at the bottom of this page.
Post by Beachcomber on Jan 27, 2009 16:13:18 GMT
Nothing new in this - it's what every motorist has suspected all along.
Just a few months ago I was parked on double yellow lines outside a house I'd been working at. My van doors were open and I was loading tools and ladders into it when a warden started writing out a ticket. I explained I was loading and therefore not breaking the law but he just ignored me.
It wasn't until the owner of the property started filming the incident on her mobile that the warden gave up and walked of in a huff.
Post by jonren on Jan 27, 2009 16:17:00 GMT
Sacking these people is insufficient. They should be charged with attempted fraud. That carries a five year penalty. Make an example of a couple. That will cure the scam.
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"My philosophy in life is keep dry and keep away from children. I got it from a matchbox."
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Post by VikingHumpingWitch on Jan 27, 2009 16:32:01 GMT
My ex got one once, as we were queueing for the parking ticket, stating that we had been parked there fifteen minutes earlier. We had not been, the only possible way that could have been issued was if the wrong time was set on the ticket issuing machine. After claiming never to have received my letter saying oi this ain't right, APCOA Parking informed us that it is physically impossible to fiddle the machines (with some rather unsubtle hints at the instability of any mind that could even consider the possibility of fraudulently issued parking tickets) and relieved us of the money. I have never forgiven them and fervently hope one day to be in a position to deny them a fat juicy contract.
Post by Foxy1 on Jan 27, 2009 16:42:53 GMT
Beachy, it's one thing to suspect it happens - but it's actually quite shocking to see it on tape
Post by Beachcomber on Jan 27, 2009 16:46:55 GMT
A few years ago my wife and I were shopping in Lancaster (about 50 miles from home). I'd paid for 3 hours at the car park but outstayed my welcome by 15 minutes. When we returned there was a fixed penalty ticket for £30 on my windscreen, so I just threw it on the back seat and drove home. Two days later I decided to pay the fine. When I picked the ticket up, there - in large letters - was notice stating that if I'd only been late back to my vehicle by less than 30 minutes the fine was not applicable. All I had to do was buy another £1 permit from the machine, attach it to the ticket and return both to Lancaster Council. I had to pay the £30 but it taught me to actually read instructions in future.
Post by Libby on Jan 27, 2009 21:25:59 GMT
My God that's horrendous! In future if any of us get landed with a parking ticket it's work checking it out! Scarey stuff!