Post by flatandy on Jan 31, 2009 13:14:35 GMT
And, oddly, Cameron is right. If there are restrictive employment terms from the company it's illegal and it should be addressed. But the worst thing is the stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid suggestion of British jobs for British workers.
Unsurprisingly, Brown's moronic statement has been hijacked and is being used as a rallying call by Britain's fascists.
sweet soul
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Post by sweet soul on Jan 31, 2009 13:15:32 GMT
if all firms in the UK emplyed cheap labour from abroad where would the Brits work? Think about it! Cos that is what could be the future!
Post by watchman on Jan 31, 2009 13:25:47 GMT
Be honest now, Andy, you hate the white working class and would happily see them all starve to death if the alternative was one single brown person losing out.
sweet soul
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Post by sweet soul on Jan 31, 2009 13:27:54 GMT
also, Brits lose jobs and work, no money to spen in Britain, shops close, more jobs lost ect ec t
sweet soul
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Post by sweet soul on Jan 31, 2009 13:31:13 GMT
Post by flatandy on Jan 31, 2009 13:33:33 GMT
Be honest now, Andy, you hate the white working class and would happily see them all starve to death if the alternative was one single brown person losing out. Oh, absolutely. It's not that I would like everyone to have equal chances. Oh no. Not that. I'm not the one who would like everyone treated equally.
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Post by Muz on Jan 31, 2009 13:34:35 GMT
Whilst the coffee shop brigade sneer at the working class over their espressos, I'm pleased that the ordinary British worker is starting to make a nuisance of himself.
sweet soul
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Post by sweet soul on Jan 31, 2009 13:35:11 GMT
its not right to ditch Brit workers, how will they live when they dont have a job?
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Post by Muz on Jan 31, 2009 13:35:40 GMT
"I'm not the one who would like everyone treated equally."
The company refuses to employ British workers. How is that equal?
sweet soul
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Post by sweet soul on Jan 31, 2009 13:35:57 GMT
How can a man age 55 get another job with a decent wage? ??
sweet soul
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Post by sweet soul on Jan 31, 2009 13:36:47 GMT
i tell you, they cant! and thats why they will make a stand and have to fight for a job.
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Post by yord on Jan 31, 2009 13:58:29 GMT
"It's like harking back to the 70's, it did no good in reality, but it did send out messages to the (then) Labour Govt. and was their demise in the end."
yep and it was fecked up then.There was no message screamed at government. Still the same old problem , there wasnt the work and what there was , the people doing it demanded a standard of living well beyond what was sustainable and competative. How the feck can produce coal at £1 when you buy it for 50p. How the feck do you build ships at £1 when you buy them at 50p. You cant, so the only alternative is to introduce credit or start working for a rate of pay that others are working for in order to compete. It is no good whatsoever screaming at employers, you need to scream at a government that demands unrealistic beaurocracy and taxation , and yourself.
Post by flatandy on Jan 31, 2009 14:15:46 GMT
"I'm not the one who would like everyone treated equally." The company refuses to employ British workers. How is that equal? It's not. Which is the actual problem. The company iisn't applying equal rules. There is a genuine employment problem here, applied by the Italian company. But that's not the same thing as "British jobs for British workers", the implication of preferential treatment for UK employees.
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Post by yord on Jan 31, 2009 14:31:19 GMT
I dont give a feck what rules the company is applying . The company dosnt need you or this country and can feck off whenever or where ever it pleases and any company with any sense will be out of here as soon as possible
Post by vania on Jan 31, 2009 14:36:23 GMT
There is a strange irony of this thread in that typically right-wing board members argue for lefty style protectionist measure, whilst typically left-wing members argue against them!
The concept of 'British jobs for British workers' is, imho, a daft one. I think companies should be able to employ based on competence and ability, not nationality. However I am happy to accept I am in the clear minority on that.
What I don't understand is how the company can exclude British workers from its workforce, legally? Surely this should have precluded them from tendering? Or maybe I'm missing something somewhere.
Post by watchman on Jan 31, 2009 14:41:30 GMT
Be honest now, Andy, you hate the white working class and would happily see them all starve to death if the alternative was one single brown person losing out. Oh, absolutely. It's not that I would like everyone to have equal chances. Oh no. Not that. I'm not the one who would like everyone treated equally. Being treated equally would be a start. At the moment, Brits are actually being discriminated against in certain jobs. I can give an example from my own experience. There is a food factory near where I live that employs large numbers of Poles in unskilled work. I know people who have gone to that factory seeking work and have been asked by security at the gate if they are British or Polish. If they are British, they are openly told that they are only recruiting Poles. This is of course completely illegal. But still it goes on because the authorities don't want to know.
Post by watchman on Jan 31, 2009 14:43:57 GMT
I dont give a feck what rules the company is applying . The company dosnt need you or this country and can feck off whenever or where ever it pleases and any company with any sense will be out of here as soon as possible Oh yord, you're all heart.
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Post by yord on Jan 31, 2009 14:46:17 GMT
Of course the authorities dont want to know.Why should they , theyre still getting a bit in terms of rates paid . And just why shouldnt a company employ who the hell it wants. Start laying down more rules and beauocrazy and they just feck off elsewhere where your mad up my own arse idea of oh they owe me a living dosnt apply
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Post by yord on Jan 31, 2009 14:48:59 GMT
"Oh yord, you're all heart."
Let me tell you something , companies need employees and any employee that works well will be well looked after by that company. To do otherwise is maddness.
Post by vania on Jan 31, 2009 14:49:05 GMT
Oh, absolutely. It's not that I would like everyone to have equal chances. Oh no. Not that. I'm not the one who would like everyone treated equally. Being treated equally would be a start. At the moment, Brits are actually being discriminated against in certain jobs. I can give an example from my own experience. There is a food factory near where I live that employs large numbers of Poles in unskilled work. I know people who have gone to that factory seeking work and have been asked by security at the gate if they are British or Polish. If they are British, they are openly told that they are only recruiting Poles. This is of course completely illegal. But still it goes on because the authorities don't want to know. Don't want to know or don't know? If nobody makes a complaint then it will happen and will continue to happen.