sweet soul
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Post by sweet soul on Feb 1, 2009 11:28:10 GMT
I think u are bonkers yord.
sweet soul
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Keep The Faith !
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Post by sweet soul on Feb 1, 2009 11:31:32 GMT
I choose to ignore your dumb post ok. You seem drunk or mental. Which ever it is poor you.
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 11:36:13 GMT
yeah right , just carry on trying to disguise your ignorance as complacency
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Post by ricklinc on Feb 1, 2009 11:55:29 GMT
Perhaps SS thinks that having paid the government a significant percentage of her wages in income tax and VAT, etc it wouldn't be too much to ask Gordon Brown to sort the situation out a bit rather than extort more money from her to pay more benefits to people who are out of work. It's not a ridiculous point of view.
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:01:37 GMT
what is rediculous abouit it is that she paid it to a government that convinced her it was a good idea.
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:04:12 GMT
or more likely that she would dissapear into poveryty and obscurity if she didnt
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:09:06 GMT
have you ever considered for 1 minute that you dont actualy need a feckin government
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Post by Deleted on Feb 1, 2009 12:09:29 GMT
The strikes are illegal and nothing will come of it.
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:14:51 GMT
yes it will , they'll give power to unions, who like the government will exploit workers just the same, and more than any employer who need to earn his way ever would
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:17:17 GMT
and all so you can have of choice of which of a thousands brands of toothpaste you wish to buy
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Post by Deleted on Feb 1, 2009 12:17:43 GMT
It's against union rules to strike without a ballet. There's been no ballet, Yord, they don't have a leg to stand on.
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:18:34 GMT
oohhhhhhhh mustnt break any rules
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Post by ricklinc on Feb 1, 2009 12:21:42 GMT
Leaving ideals aside for the moment, the situation is what it is. People out of work and a government that wasted money on rubbish instead of equipping the country to cope with crisis. The sane thing to do would be to punish the government and the people who advised them on their pointless spending splurges and get someone in who can do a better job. Preferably without all that tedious revolution on the streets business. I know it sounds like fun but too many innocents get hurt.
I'm hoping all this is a kind of growing pain during which people learn that there are far more important issues than making sure that gay couples can adopt and certainly better ways to spend money than on diversity schemes. Sadly we've only got Cameron on the horizon and he seems to be a bit of a geek.
The alternative for individual Brits is to find another country. It's what my dad did when there wasn't a way to make a good life in Italy after the war. The problem would be finding a country that isn't heading for the same dungheap. Globalist dinks with big ideals like this idea.
But this country can be fixed. It's just not going to happen as long as NGOs are paid to research stuff that agrees with current government policy.
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:23:22 GMT
its a load more than just NGO's
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:26:48 GMT
the thing to remember in all this is that some do very well out of this situation , the system as such works beautifully well , it just dosnt work for you which was never the intention . You just assumed it was.
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Post by ricklinc on Feb 1, 2009 12:32:33 GMT
As loathe as I am to say it, countries need governments. You can't leave everything to the free market. That leads to depressing stories about private contractors not tightening the bolts on railways points because it's cheaper to skimp the job and people getting killed. It leads to energy companies cutting the gas supply to pensioner homes during the coldest winter for over a decade. It leads to lack of investment in vital services because the profit margin is too small. It leads to private police forces who become little more than hired thugs.
No, we need governments. But we also need a way to smack the bastards when they screw up. We need to be able to choke off their stupider schemes that are usually driven by idiot dinks with amazingly dumb ideas about what everyone should be doing.
We need to define the role of government and make sure that the limits are enforced.
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Post by ricklinc on Feb 1, 2009 12:35:32 GMT
I never assumed that the system was put in place for me. And even if it had been it wasn't going to stay that way.
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:35:41 GMT
"That leads to depressing stories about private contractors not tightening the bolts on railways points because it's cheaper to skimp the job and people getting killed."
Yeah I quite agree , and you are perfectly free ( or are you ? ) to chose not to work for such an employer that works that way
" But we also need a way to smack the bastards when they screw up " youd be too busy smacking to do anything else ever again
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Post by yord on Feb 1, 2009 12:37:13 GMT
"I never assumed that the system was put in place for me. And even if it had been it wasn't going to stay that way.2
I can see that as cleary as you can see just how many think it was
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Post by ricklinc on Feb 1, 2009 12:45:45 GMT
" Mistakes were made, lessons were learnt." SMACK. " Much has already been achieved but a great deal remains to be done." SMACK. " We have invested more money in this service than our predecessors did." SMACK. " There will be a full enquiry." SMACK.